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Envío gratis a partir de 75€ solo en península
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Envío gratis a partir de 75€ solo en península
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The Skincare Secrets I Wish I Had Known at 25

The Skincare Secrets I Wish I Had Known at 25 Hello, future LuZeros! In this blog, we will explore why cosmetics designed for women in their 50s can be the perfect choice for young women who want to reach their 40s with amazing skin. I am Lourdes Moreno, a cosmetics promoter, and I founded my own line of cosmetic products in 2020 when I realized that there was a gap in the market for certain ages, which affected me personally. From then until today, we have created an incredible LuZeros community made up of thousands and thousands of women. But today I didn't want to address them, I wanted to address all the young people who are starting out in this world; I wish they had told me this when I was 20, 25 years old, although I have good skin, today it would be different.

Step 1: Build a basic routine based on good formulation.

Starting a routine from a young age is key. Cleansing and double cleansing at night, antioxidants in the morning and good hydration are essential. But the big secret if you want skin from 25 to 50, sunscreen every day is the MVP!

  • Morning: Cleansing + Antioxidant + Moisturizing + Protection Sole
  • Night: Double cleansing + antioxidant + moisturizing

Well, this is like learning to walk, without it, we cannot begin to travel the world and it would not make sense to take more steps.

Step 2: Optimization: Argireline and Hyaluronic Acid

Once we have the base routine, it is time to optimize it with argireline and hyaluronic acid . Argireline, known as "botox relax," softens expression lines, preventing them from becoming marked, while hyaluronic acid hydrates and restores the elasticity of our skin, making it more juicy. These ingredients transform the skin, providing long-lasting results. Hello, eternal youth!

Hyaluronic acid

Step 3: Transformers: Retinol and Glycolic

As we progress, we incorporate powerful transformers. Retinol prevents aging, becoming the cosmetic active ingredient with the most scientific evidence to combat aging, while glycolic acid adds luminosity. These active ingredients not only address existing problems, but also work preventatively, ensuring radiant skin in the future.


It's Science, not Magic

This routine, initially designed for women in their 50s, becomes an investment in the future of young women. It's not magic; It is science based on the understanding of active ingredients and their correct application. There is no need to resort to expensive miracle creams; The key is knowing and using the right ingredients in the right order.

And that's it? Yes, with that, you will have a routine based on active ingredients and organized in a scientific way to obtain real results. But of course there are more things, little by little you will discover a fascinating world, from special retinoids to regenerating creams, weekly routines, specific products for specific pathologies... But, girls, first, let's build the base. Because the reality is that no one tells us how to start! Take care of that skin!


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