Sun protection is the best anti-aging there is

Lourdes Moreno

There is nothing more true in cosmetics: sun protection is the best ally against skin aging.

Benefits of using our sun protection

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Consequences of not using Sun Protection

Not protecting your skin adequately against solar radiation can have serious repercussions on your long-term health.

√ Premature skin aging
√ Increased risk of skin cancer
√ Damage to the barrier function of your skin
√ Hyperpigmentation
√ Suppression of the Immune System of your skin
PS: Why put your health at risk? Protect your skin 365 days.

Lourdes Moreno

«Sun protection is unquestionable and necessary. I tell you my experience »
Sunbathing is fine, but as long as we are protected. Every year I have pre-cancerous sun lesions removed from sunbathing irresponsibly in the past. "Nowadays, both oral and physical sun protection is part of my life."
