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Is it good to go tan or brunette?

Getting a tan means that our skin and body are oxidizing ☀️, and oxidation is synonymous with aging… But is there a way to get a tan in a healthy way? No, there is no real way to get a healthy tan.

Solar radiation has really positive effects on our body, since one of its main functions is that it helps stimulate the production of vitamin D, among other vital functions. However, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays has negative consequences, such as skin burns, hyperpigmentation, skin aging and even cancer.
We always talk about the importance of using sun protection all year round to protect our skin from UV rays, aging, spots and, most importantly, skin cancer.

It is true that many people like to show off a tanned skin tone, especially in summer. However, health is much more important and we must be aware of the dangers of excessive exposure to the sun.
It is important to take into account the type of skin you have, as some are more sensitive than others. For example, people with reddish or blond hair have a low capacity to resist solar radiation, while those with brown hair show a normal tolerance. On the other hand, those with dark skin tones tend to be more tolerant.

Regardless of the type of skin and the time of day when we are exposed to the sun, the use of sunscreen is essential. Sun protection helps to prolong tolerance to sunlight, although it does not eliminate 100% of the effects of the sun on the skin, so exposure must always be controlled.

It is essential to remember that sunscreens should be applied to protect against damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. Attention should be paid to the areas of the body exposed to the sun, as these are the ones that require special protection. All parts exposed to the sun should be covered with sunscreen. And remember that the face is not negotiable, we must be strictly careful with the face because in the end it is our reflection and the sun is what ages us the most.

The best times to sunbathe safely are in the morning, between 9 and 12, and in the afternoon, from 5, when the sun's rays shine perpendicularly and the risk of sunburn is lower. We recommend getting 15 minutes of sun to synthesize vitamin D or sunbathing when we go out is enough, and always with sun protection.

What does tanning really mean?

When you get tanner, your skin is actually trying to protect itself. Inside your skin, there are cells called melanocytes, cells that produce melanin, which is responsible for absorbing ultraviolet radiation. When those rays start to harm your skin, the cells tell the melanocytes to produce more melanin and better protect you.

So when your skin tans, turning dark, what it's really doing is protecting itself from cell damage. But if you spend too much time in the sun, your cells can become too damaged and end up becoming inflamed and red, which is what we call sunburn.

Plus, those sun rays can cause other problems in the long run. They can damage the DNA in your cells and cause more free radicals to be produced, oxidizing our skin, causing damage. If this damage isn't fixed, it increases the chance of serious problems, like skin cancer.

How do ultraviolet rays work?

Ultraviolet rays, known as UV, have different effects depending on their type. They can be classified into UVC, UVB and UVA according to their wavelength.

UVB rays, which are short-wavelength, and UVA rays, which are long-wavelength, are able to reach the skin through the Earth's atmosphere and cause significant damage. UVB rays are responsible for tanning the skin and causing sunburn quickly. Meanwhile, UVA rays, while not easily causing sunburn, penetrate deeper into the skin and can damage the connective tissue beneath the surface. This damage leads to premature aging and wrinkling, affecting skin tone. It is essential to protect yourself from both types of UV rays to maintain skin health and prevent long-term damage.

Product Recommendation:

For complete protection, we recommend two key products:

  • Sol 360 Antioxidant, Anti-Aging and Protective Food Supplement: This supplement offers internal protection thanks to its rich composition based on 12 natural ingredients, including plants, vitamins, enzymes and bioflavonoids. Taking care of yourself from within is essential to combat the effects of the sun and premature skin aging.

    • Any of our very high protection sun creams: This cream provides essential external protection. With benefits such as protection against photoaging, reduction of wrinkles on the face, neck and neckline, prevention of spots, and its moisturizing, anti-wrinkle and anti-aging action, it is an essential product to keep the skin healthy and radiant.

      Importance of sun protection

      Sun protection is essential to prevent premature skin aging and protect it from damage caused by sun exposure. Using appropriate sunscreens and caring for the skin from within with supplements such as Sol 360 Antioxidant, Anti-Aging and Protector, are key steps to maintaining healthy skin and combating the negative effects of the sun. Don't forget to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and always protect your face, as this area is especially susceptible to aging.

      In summary, it is important to remember that there is no one healthy way to get a tan. A tan is a defense response of the skin against sun exposure, but it is still a sign of skin damage. Prioritizing sun protection, both internal and external, is essential to maintain healthy skin and prevent premature aging, sunburn, and more serious risks such as skin cancer. Remember, taking care of your skin is an act of self-love that you should always practice.


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